Thank You


Dear friends,

We, the artists and staff of Factory Obscura, are grateful to you, our participants, for giving us all the LOVE!

It was just over two years ago that a small group of artists gathered in Current Studio for a secret meeting with a handful of visionaries who thought there ought to be a better way for artists in Oklahoma to create. It was about collaboration – making crazy-cool things together that we could never make on our own. It was about changing the economy – creating thriving-wage jobs for artists. And it was about community – envisioning a world of inclusivity and human rights for all, and then setting out to build that awesome world we wanted to live in.

Since then, we’ve laughed a lot, cried a little, and lost some sleep. We’ve created new worlds: a series of never-been-done-before immersive experiences that we’re super proud of. But most of all, we have been embraced by the people of Oklahoma City and the world in crazy-generous ways that we never could have imagined.

To the investors who saw our vision and took a risk on a group of resourceful, hard-working artists and makers, to our friends in the immersive arts and the media who gave us advice and coverage that has made a difference, to the hundreds of volunteers who showed up any time we asked and made whatever we asked you to, to the tens of thousands who have turned out and participated in the experiences and events we have imagined and built just for you…we say thank you.

Today, because of you, we are creating at higher and higher levels and living out our mission in bigger ways than any of us could have predicted over two years ago at that mysterious meeting. Here are just a few of the amazing things you’ve helped us create:

  • 12 full-time thriving wage jobs

  • 6 part-time thriving-wage jobs

  • ongoing stipends to dozens of member artists for contract creation

  • hundreds of items hand-crafted by our artists and purchased by you in our gift shop

  • almost 300 annual Mix-Tape passholders, with more every day

  • more than 6,000 participants in the Mix-Tape experience in just two months

To all of our amazing supporters and friends, please accept this giant thank you from the artists and staff of Factory Obscura. We want you to know that we are overwhelmingly grateful for your support…and also that we are just getting started. We can’t wait to share our next project with you in just a few short months.

Stay tuned…

With gratitude,
the Factory Obscura team